We’re happy to share good news about COVID-19 vaccines. Increased vaccine supply means we have more availability and we’re scheduling thousands of vaccination appointments.
As of April 15, 2021, everyone in California age 16 and over is eligible to get vaccinated. Please note that people age 16-17 can only receive the Pfizer vaccine with consent. Bring a parent or guardian to your vaccine appointment or have them sign this form and bring it with you.
Schedule an Appointment
If you, a family member, or someone you know has not yet been vaccinated and would like to schedule an appointment, we are available online or by phone:
On April 23, the CDC lifted the pause on using the Janssen/J&J vaccine, stating the risk of developing a rare clotting disorder is extremely low. With guidance from health officials, we anticipate resuming administration of Janssen/J&J this week.
If you’ve been vaccinated, thank you for doing your part to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Please encourage your loved ones to get the vaccine. Appointments at Sutter are available throughout Northern California and open to anyone age 16 and over.