Sunnyvale Business Snapshot
Information priovided by US Census Bureau
2020: 500 New Businesses opened in Sunnyvale
- 90% of these businesses reported 5 or less employees
- 40% of these new businesses are home-based (consulting, photography, real estate agents, business support services)
- Largest new employer: Whole Foods Market who reported 175 employees
- 2nd largest new employer is a health R&D startup with 50 employees
2020: 225 Businesses closed in Sunnyvale
- Largest business had 200 employees (janitorial company)
- 2nd largest had 130 employees (business services)
- About 53% were home based (childcare, personal services, custom computer programming)
General jobs/economic data points:
- # of Residents in Sunnyvale – 152,770 (2019 data)
- # of employees in Sunnyvale—95,172
- Residents commuting out of Sunnyvale—69,263
- Nonresidents commuting into Sunnyvale—85,188